
Applicants will retain all rights to their technologies, data and know-how.

Applications will be handled discretely, and only selected projects will be made public. Nevertheless, we do not recommend you to include any confidential information in the application. After selection, all admitted applications will be deleted from our servers, and reviewers will be prompted to the best to delete files.

For practical reasons, it will not be possible to keep data from the actual bioreactor and protein purification run confidential. As a consequence of this, we do not recommend projects with non-protected technologies (i.e. no patent application submitted or no strategy for how to keep trade secrets) to participate in the Testa Challenge. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact us to discuss further.

The focus of the Testa Challenge is verification, not innovation. Still, new ideas might arise when we bring together bright minds during the Testa Challenge week. In order to be able to handle rights to potential new IP, selected projects will be prompted to summarize their background IP before start of the Testa Challenge week.

Selected projects are expected to actively participate in the planning phase, starting July/August 2020. An experienced Testa Center specialist will work together with your team in order to prepare a detailed plan for the Testa Challenge week.

Access to the Testa Center facilities and participation in Testa Challenge is conditional upon signing an Access Agreement, including the applicable terms and conditions for use of and access to the premises and equipment. The entire Access Agreement is available upon request. Specifically, the applicant is invited to study the terms and conditions applicable for result ownership and confidentiality as described in Appendix 2 in the full call text.

For selected projects, it is mandatory to participate on site in Uppsala and perform the verification work during the Testa Challenge Week. Due to the Corona pandemic and potential travel restrictions, we will work closely together with selected teams and monitor the situation, and if needed, we will make our best efforts to try to find alternative solutions.  The applicant is responsible for the work environment for its Individual Users while working on Testa Center premises during Testa Challenge Week, as set out in the Work Environment Act (Swedish law “Arbetsmiljölagen” SFS 1977:1160). Testa Center has a coordinating role for the Premises.

The event will be free of charge, however there will be a no-show fee of 20 000 SEK. (Not applicable if travel restrictions due to Corona pandemic are still effective).Selected projects are encouraged to communicate externally prior, during and after the Testa Challenge, and we will be happy to support you with this. We will also communicate externally and show-case selected projects. The Testa Challenge is hosted and administered by Testa Center in collaboration with STUNS Life Science and Cytiva. The Challenge is supported by Region Uppsala.

Testa Challenge has now closed for applications.

We are happy to announce that we have received very exciting, innovative proposals including sensors, smart laboratory tools, digital twins, process modelling, automation, process control, sampling systems and more! We are very pleased to have attracted both Swedish as well as international proposals, from countries such as US, UK, Germany, Finland, and Denmark. 

After a comprehensive selection phase, we are very pleased to present the selected companies for the Testa Challenge 2020! Please read more about them here.

How are projects selected?

Representatives from industry together with investors constitute the selection board that will select the most promising proposals. The projects are selected based on the following criteria:

  • Need and demand of the proposed solution 
  • Potential to meet the future technology demands within bioproduction
  • Commercial potential and scalability
  • Innovative height
  • How well the proposed project fits into the scope of the Testa Challenge
  • Project Benefits to participate in Testa Challenge

    As a part of the selection process, all applications will be subject to a feasibility check performed by specialists at Testa Center, to make sure that the suggested project can be integrated into the planned bioprocess workflow. For this reason, we encourage you to contact us prior to applying to discuss your proposal.